Some Guidelines To Online Dating
Online dating is fun. You could meet
new friends and expand your social circle. Better yet, you might
have the match you have been looking for.
If you haven't tried online dating, there are some things you
could keep in mind.
1. Start slow
Try searching on reputable online dating sites. You should look
out for someone who is too good to be true on the first time.
Your should trust your instincts.
2. Protect yourself
You should not reveal your true identity until you feel that you
can reveal it to the other person and feel comfortable about
doing so. Do not instantly give your full name, contact numbers,
home address, and other details where others can check your
3. Exercise common sense and caution
Practice caution in easily trusting other people. Use common
sense in making decisions. Take your time in determining the
person's integrity and motives. Pay attention every time you
4. Ask for a photo
Ask for a photo of a prospective match, not just because you
want to see if he or she is good-looking. If possible, ask for
several photos in different settings: Formal, casual, outdoors,
and indoors. In that way you would have an idea of what he or
she looks like.
5. Do not just chat via online
An electronic chat would not suffice. Do phone conversations
with him or her, as these would show social and communication
skills. Avoid calling at home. Try calling from a cell phone or
a telephone booth. Only when you are completely comfortable
should you give your home number.
6. Meet only when you are completely ready
Meet only when you feel secure and ready to meet your online
date. Do not feel obliged or persuaded to meet the other person
even if he or she insists, if you are not yet ready.
7. Check for danger
If you decided to finally meet him or her, pay close attention
to any violent displays, intense frustration, or moves to
control or pressure you.
8. Meet only in a secured place
When meeting your date, especially for the first time, meet him
or her in a safe place. Tell a friend or someone who your date
is and your plans for tonight. Set a time during your date where
your friend can call you and ask if everything is okay.
It is better to be safe than sorry. Online dating has some
perks, but it also has its pitfalls. |
