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Where to Find Single and Attractive Women in Your Area

Recently I received an email from one of my list subscribers. It went something like this: "Hey Scott- My friends and I are getting sick of meeting chicks at local bars. Since they're always being hit on by other dudes, they think they're hot sh*t and won't give us the time of day! Can you suggest other places to meet women? I am sick of chasing after the same stuck-up girls. Thanx man! Frankie V. (Brooklyn, NY) What I found interesting about this particular email is I see one like this very week.

Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of guys who are sick and tired of trying to meet women at bars and clubs. And I bet you are too! Meeting women in a noisy, crowded bar can be a challenging prospect. Not only do you have to compete with a lot of guys, but you also have to overcome the nature of women who distrust men that approach them in this setting. In short, trying to approach women in bars can really suck sometimes! So I decided to do something to help you out. I have sat down and jotted down two of pthe laces which are great for meeting interesting women.

Let's get started. Supermarkets Believe it or not, supermarkets are incredible places to meet women. Since they make up a large percentage of shoppers, you'll be amazed at the opportunities you can find there. In addition, since everyone has to shop for food, you'll find all types of women here. What you should do is wait till around 5:30 in the evening to go a supermarket. Since this is typically the time that people get off work, you'll have no problem finding women to approach.

All you have to do ask their opinion about a particular item and you'll have an instant conversation. (Just make sure you don't ask her about something like adult diapers). Coffee Shops It seems like coffee shops have become a "feeding ground" for single and attractive women.

For instance, I recently took the train into New York City and went to grab a cup of tea from Starbucks (Yeah I know I am a wuss, but I hate coffee). When I went inside, there dozens of tables filled with hot women. Now this was a Tuesday afternoon in middle of November and there were almost a hundred attractive women. Think of the possibilities of that one! In my opinion, coffee shops are a huge untapped area which most guys don't take advantage of. All you have to do is grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and start talking to a girl who catches your eye. Both coffee shops and supermarkets offer low pressure situations where you can meet interesting women.

Since you're not overwhelmed with loud music and crowds of guys, these locations offer a way to confidently approach women without fear of rejection!.

Are you having trouble meeting women? Well in addition to learning about places to meet women there is a lot to be learned about attracting women. Just take a look at Scott Patterson's FREE ebook: Seduction Secrets...Revealed! to receive my hypnotic secrets to attracting women.

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